Word Cloud Reflections
~*Cloud of Goals*~ Word clouds are something that I used to do with my students all the time. I'm not sure why I stopped other than I felt that it was getting overplayed when students started to make them in every class. I really enjoyed this activity and using word clouds to reflect some of my personal learning goals for the upcoming school year. In building a word cloud you are forced to sum up the goal in one or two carefully chosen words. Looking at my word cloud I can see by my chosen words what is of the most importance to me. I have been working this summer in building a choice-based art curriculum that focuses on the authentic artistic processes of the students. I can see that this is reflected here and that a huge piece of this is to continue to build and draw from the professional learning community that I became a part of after my participation in the NAEA conference last March. I created this word cloud with Tagul on wordart.com . I chose this site because of ...