
Showing posts from July, 2017

Word Cloud Reflections

~*Cloud of Goals*~ Word clouds are something that I used to do with my students all the time. I'm not sure why I stopped other than I felt that it was getting overplayed when students started to make them in every class. I really enjoyed this activity and using word clouds to reflect some of my personal learning goals for the upcoming school year. In building a word cloud you are forced to sum up the goal in one or two carefully chosen words. Looking at my word cloud I can see by my chosen words what is of the most importance to me. I have been working this summer in building a choice-based art curriculum that focuses on the authentic artistic processes of the students. I can see that this is reflected here and that a huge piece of this is to continue to build and draw from the professional learning community that I became a part of after my participation in the NAEA conference last March.  I created this word cloud with Tagul on . I chose this site because of ...

Digital Footprints

I love using short, student-friendly videos like this one to introduce the importance of taking care of your digital footprint. Today's students are fighting an uphill battle when it comes to protecting their image online. When they come to my classroom at 10-12 years old, typically a family member has already documented their every move on social media up to that point. Those potty-training pics might have been cute 10 years ago but for an adolescent, not so much. It is important that students recognize and understand that what they post, text, tweet, email, and comment on will follow them indefinitely. How Your Digital Footprint Can Hurt You       This article from the Huffington Post includes an awesome slide show of "7 Ways you might be Oversharing". Oversharing is a big problem for kids who are just starting to find their way on social media. Suddenly everyone can read and react to their opinions! I often see kids get themselves into uncomfortable situations b...

Google Yourself Challenge

When searching for myself, the results were surprising in a different sort of way!

Online Safety

Teaching students (and parents) about online safety is as important as the "stranger danger" discussions we all had as children!  OnGuardOnline  &  NetSmartz  are two awesome resources to get the conversation started. Both sites have parent/teacher resources as well as kid-friendly pages. As informed adults we are better able to support our students as they navigate the web. Technology is constantly changing so it is important to stay up to date on the latest safety and security tips. These sites also cover a wide scope of tech devices including video games and social media. It's easy to take for granted that when we are feeling safe at home or school we have the entire world in our pockets, on our computers, or TV screens. Something that seems like its "made for kids", like apps and games, might be the very place where our kids are most at risk. Having the conversation about online security early and often creates a trusting relationship where kids and stu...

Crack the Code Challenge!

Got to play with one of my all time favorite resources for helping to build computational thinking with students:! This site uses engaging games with recognizable characters to hook kids in to using code to solve challenges. It is seriously addicting! Already getting excited for the Hour of Code this December :o)

A Bit About Me...

Hello! I am a graphic arts and technology teacher for grades 3-6. I am taking this course to gain more exposure to technology that will help me build a worldwide network of art and tech teachers as well as connect to colleagues within my district. I already use social media to participate in classes, book clubs, discussions, and to connect with other people who "get it" (teachers!). When I am not working on curriculum or cleaning my classroom I love to travel, go to the beach, and spend time with my family- including my dog, Moxie!