
Showing posts from December, 2017

Course Reflection

I have truly enjoyed exploring the many technology tools presented throughout this course.  I found ways to integrate new tools in both my technology and art classes. Keeping up with trends in technology is a never-ending job. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to seek out new tools and websites to use with my students. I understand, as I did throughout this course, that trying a new technology tool doesn't necessarily mean that it will be useful. Having time to dedicate to trying something new, reflecting, and evaluating whether or not it will be useful for my students at this current time was valuable. I have found several tools that are now part of my regular "tool box" in my classroom. I now use Padlet to organize all of my video lessons. Paired with ad-filtering from and QR codes around my room students are able to help themselves if they need to review a lesson. I absolutely loved creating the infographic and will be sharing piktochart with my 4th grade...